Heavy Duty Solutions for the Construction Industry
We provides complete safety solutions for the wide variety of construction vehicle types. Operating in extreme environments, construction vehicles require safety solutions that can operate effectively regardless of environmental elements. With Radar Electronics safety solutions in place, operators of construction equipment can focus on the job at hand, knowing that they will be notified if a person or object is in their blind zone.Blind zone safety starts with Preview patented pulsed radar. For most construction vehicles, one or more of PreView Radars, combined with the PreView Plus camera/monitor system and the PreView Safety Alerts System (an alarm that delivers an external audible warning) will provide the best possible blind zone safety solution.Since each vehicle type has different needs, we recommend contacting a Radar Electronics Safety Specialist to discuss the specific requirements of your vehicles.
AUTONOMOUS SOLUTIONS / Combining LIDAR and Radar to Improve “Visibility”
A. SOLUTIONS, Inc. Looks to PRECO Electronics to Fill Important Object-Detection Gap
Oldcastle/Idaho Concrete Success in Safety Story / Implementing Safety In Loud Environments
Machines, vehicles, and ground employees must work in close .There are often homes nearby. The mixture of these elements can result in a loud environment where backup alarms become less effective and intrusive to the surrounding neighbors. Because of Oldcastle’s corporate commitment to eliminating hazards and improving operations, IMCCO contacted Preco Electronics. The first priority was reducing blind spot accidents...Read more