Robust reliable technology for detecting people and are a frequency-modulated system of continuous wave radar detection of objects, designed to warn equipment operators (vehicle, truck, machine) of the presence of obstacles. The sensors detect both moving and stationary objects in a predetermined coverage area and communicate these detections to the selected human-machine interface (HMI) via CAN - J1939 communication protocol messages.

PreView SENTRY® Radar Sensor

PreView Sentry natančno identificira lokacijo in hitrost do 16 oseb ali objektov hkrati. Sentry ima popolnoma nastavljivo območje detekcije, ki omogoča zaznavanje predmetov s površine radarja do 30 metrov, širina zaznavanja pa je nastavljiva tako, da ustreza skoraj vsem tipom vozil...

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PreView SIDE DEFENDER® Radar Sensor

PreView Side Defender, the most advanced side-detection facility, developed specifically for road transport and transportation in the waste industry. Approved advanced assistance system in accordance with the new EU Regulation for advanced detection systems for pedestrians and cyclists, vehicles ....

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PreView SENTRY®X Radar Sensor

The Sentry® X offers a wide 150-degree horizontal field of view with adjustable detection range (range and width) and has added a narrow initial field of view for the leading global detection standard on heavy mobile equipment operating in the toughest environments - for example above the center of the rear axle trucks ...

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Add VISION SYSTEM to your security solution

Adding a camera and monitor to our radar Advanced Driver Assistance systems increases the efficiency and productivity of your vehicle operators. Instead of having to exit the vehicle-machine when an object is detected, the operator can simply look at the PreView Plus Monitor Camera system to see what is in the invisible zone of the vehicle-machine.

Preview Display

As part of the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, PreView® v2, In-Cab and Wireless Displays are also used in the cab in conjunction with sensors to provide audio and visual warnings to operators.